Karen | Senior & Family Session

Karen was in my senior seminar group so we got nice and close over the course of the semester while we conducted a study focusing on the acculturation of immigrants. Sounds fun, right? Ha. Karen wanted a mixture of family and senior portraits so we combined the session and had a fun night walking the streets of downtown!

In other news, I've been thinking about some changes with this blog here. Maybe a permanent name change, maybe not..I can't really decide. We're doing a test-run right now. There's great meaning behind Consider The Lilies, which I'll go into at some point, but I think I might be ready for something new and fresh. This little space is a mixture of so many parts of me and I can't decide whether I'm having a "mid-blogging crisis" or if I really like the randomness that seems to occur here. Does it need more direction? More consistency? I'm not sure, but be on the lookout for change. I thrive on change which is sometimes good and sometimes bad, more often than not I think the change I so often crave is good. It's refreshing and inspiring to begin fresh with new things. We shall see.

Oh, and my birthday is in two days...first one Mr will be home for in two years!

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