let me love you, normal

                                                               Life is like photography
                                            ...you develop from the negatives.

 Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day, I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taught, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return.
  - Mary Jean Iron


  1. I posted this as my facebook status yesterday. We certainly take for granted the normal days sometimes. I love this post. x

  2. loved this post... You are a beautiful writer :) You put so perfectly how we should appreciate the "normal" everydays...I sometimes want them to just fly by in order to get to the "rare and perfect tomorrow"s. Aside from my little guy being sick...it's going to be a normal, non-eventful Monday. And thanks to your sweet reminder, I'm going to soak up and enjoy every bit of it :)


  3. PS - that first sentence about developing from the negatives is BRILLIANT :)

  4. you blog always makes me feel happy. its refreshing!

  5. Thank you! (Loved the comment on my blog- You're so sweet.) And I love the quote. Definitely posting that on my wall above my desk.
    Much love x

  6. wow, pretty girl. this is simple. beautiful. perfect.

    what an encouragement to me today.

    love you; miss you. <3

  7. i LOVE this. what a reminder....hmm. soaking it in. <3

  8. Awesome! I love normal days, the ones that you randomly take that deep breath in and remember how good it is to be alive (both physically and metaphorically) happy Monday :)
    PS: thanks for stopping by, and I appreciate the support! Your blog is way nicer than mine though.

  9. love this quote...definitely going to use it sometime :)


  10. I frequently find myself wishing for time to pass - for it just to be tomorrow or the next day or the next. Any day closer to his homecoming would be better. I try to remind myself that I should never wish my life away. Every day and every second should be cherished. I have to live for today and enjoy it. Great post!

  11. Love the sentiment! Today confirmed for my the belief that there's a special place in hell for wasps. :)
