I have decided to feature
someone who is going through a deployment
each week here on my blog.
each week here on my blog.
I hope that through this
we can all learn a little more about each other
we can all learn a little more about each other
and hopefully encourage one another
as we endure such a hard time
as we endure such a hard time
in our relationships.
This week's feature is the sweet and lovely
This week's feature is the sweet and lovely
Jeanna from The longer the waiting, The sweeter the kiss.
and how she's dealing with deployment!
Her love is currently overseas serving our country.
Here's a little about her storyand how she's dealing with deployment!

Tell us a little about yourself:
I'm 20. I'm a full time college student. I work at The Y and I LOVE it! I live in Georgia and wouldn't have it any other way :) I'm completely in love with my fiance, Cliff and we are very much looking forward to this year long deployment's end!!
What is your relationship status?
Happily engaged to my fiance, Cliff! We'll be officially tying the knot October 22, 2011 :o)
Do you have kiddos? If so, how has the transition to "single parenting" affected you?
No babies, yet...at least for not a couple more years! But we do have one fur baby named Kiera and the single parenting is going well, but she misses her dad :)
What branch of service is your spouse/significant other?
He is in the Army National Guard..Hooah!
What is your duty station?
His unit is out of Graniteville, SC... but the cool thing about National Guard is you're basically a civilian during the week and drill about one weekend a month. Kind of the best of both worlds :) So he gets to live at home...no real duty station!
How long is this current deployment?
He has orders for 13 months and we are praying for only 11!
How often are you guys able to communicate?
We have been really lucky and have usually been able to talk once a day if not more. In the beginning it was really hard because I would go a week or two without hearing from him. They finally got internet and ever since then it has been pretty good! I really can't complain. Skype is wonderful :)
What kind of support (group) have you found during this deployment?
(other milspouses/blogging/family)
(other milspouses/blogging/family)
Even though other people have warned me not to get involved with the FRG, I have found that it has been AMAZING! We meet once a month and I have met some really great people! No matter where you go, there will be people you don't get along with, but if you go into i with an open mind it's really not bad at all. We put on a lot of fundraisers to benefit a homecoming party for the guys and girls when they come home and it has been going wonderful! I love being apart of something that's helping the soldiers, because they do so much for us. Also, blogging has been wonderful and I have 'met' so many great women who have beautiful blogs! I love reading about real love and that to me is the love between a girl and her soldier...because as we all know it's not easy by any means....but WELL worth it :)
Does your family support your spouse/significant others' choice to serve?
When I met and started dating Cliff he was already in the service, so it has never been any different to them. And my whole family is very proud of him :) Who wouldn't support someone wanting to serve their country? It is the most selfless act someone can do.
What have you found that helps you cope best with the stress of deployment?
Blogging has been great, but the thing that really helps is setting small things to look forward to. A party with friends in a month, a concert in 2 months...that way, when the event you have been looking forward to comes, it has already been months down and you don't even realize it! Also, I read somewhere to count weeks, not days. Have a set day every week that you can cross off the calendar such as garbage day. 52 is a much smaller number than 365! It has really helped so much and I can honestly say that this year has gone by so fast for me. I am SO thankful for that!
I'm really having so much fun with this and I have been so
encouraged to meet other girls going through
the same emotions I have been dealing with.
I hope you all have been just as encouraged as I have!
Thanks so much, Jeanna for letting us all see a little deeper
into how this deployment is affecting you and your fiance,
encouraged to meet other girls going through
the same emotions I have been dealing with.
I hope you all have been just as encouraged as I have!
Thanks so much, Jeanna for letting us all see a little deeper
into how this deployment is affecting you and your fiance,
I really enjoyed reading your answers and
I can't wait until your love comes home
so you two can get married! :)
Don't forget to check out Jeanna's blog
and encourage her through this deployment!
If you're currently surviving deployment
grab this button and let us know so we can encourage
you too!
if you're surviving deployment
and want to be featured here
please email me :
Love this (: I love hearing about other military relationships. <3
ReplyDeleteWow. I really admire military wives. I don't think I could do it!
ReplyDeleteI love this series :) and We're thinking of getting married on october 23rd! so awesome! going to check out her blog right now.
ReplyDeleteI just happened to stumble my way into your blog. I love the surviving deployment button, so I went ahead and grabbed it for myself :)
ReplyDeleteI love this idea, thank you so much for doing this. As a new AF wife I haven't had to go through the hard times of deployment yet, but I'll be there eventually. I'll definitely be looking forward to these posts :)