
Here's where I've been
in my 20-something years of life.
I was really hoping to surprise
myself and have half this thing filled up
but that wasn't the case

I became quite close with I-40 on
 my cross country road trip, if you couldn't tell!

And even closer with love for my home state 
after living on the East Coast for two months.
California is the place for me
for good

However, I suppose I should do a bit more traveling,
especially after reading the list of states
and realizing I forgot about places like 
the Dakotas and Iowa.
What goes on in those states anyway? 
I feel like they get left out.
 Alas, I'm here as an advocate
for the golden state.
I mean we all surf an stuff
who wouldn't want to live here?
 West Coast represent
now put your hands up...
come on people,
Katy Perry?


  1. It's the best coast! haha your cross country trip is a straight shot! love it. I'm really hoping J and I get station in SD. California, I want to come home <3

  2. I love me some Katy Perry!!! I need to move to California, I think it would be the place for me to stay for good too!! xo

  3. Come to Louisiana. It's awesome. (Not really)

  4. so funny because i'm from the east coast and now live in california! i miss it until i see the snowy weather forecasts :)

  5. So I haven't been to Cali, but I am falling in love with the Northwest, so I would have to agree. West Coast is the best coast :)

  6. YAY Katy Perry!! haha and I live in NC so I'm on the complete opposite side :)

  7. hmmm. i should get a map made of lines like that and fill it in. psh. it'd be shameful! i've hardly been anywhere yet!

  8. Woop woop! West Coast represent for sure! Not for long for us though. :( We've lived on this side for. ever. but are heading out East soon. Excited for the change though. And girl, you're not missing out on a whole lot in the Dakotas and Iowa. Our car died down in one of those states and it seriously took 30 miles to the nearest town to get the car fixed. But! Who knows, maybe you'll find something awesome that we didn't if you go. :)

  9. Woot Woot! The Golden state is the place to be! I miss it so much...Virginia just doesn't compare to Cali! :)

  10. yes, California is very awesome! glad you found your new home!
