What's on my celly?

I was flipping through an Urban Outfitters magazine
this week and came across something that confused me.
I'm down with mixing prints, but honey on the right is hurtin
my eyes with that ensemble...no? and did I miss the memo 
on sandals and socks?
I went to San Francisco this week and found the street
where I'm meant to live one day. Mr was on board.

..and other pretty parts of SF

Why is she creepin on my book thrifting?

Surprise flowers at my doorstep.
I love you Mr 

 This is my new shirt, and I would wear it everyday 
if it were socially acceptable to do so :)

Have a lovely day,
but not before you check out and follow


  1. Naw, cute shirt. That doll is creepy!!
    Ang xxx

  2. Gorgeous shot of the Golden Gate.. I love how the cloud is hovering right on it!
    And your new shirt is pretty stinkin cute =)

  3. Love your SF pictures! and I hope you bought that doll for your next White Elephant Party! ;)

  4. That doll is super creeeeeppppyyy! Your SF pics are gorgeous! Surprise flowers are awesome and I love your shirt! :)

  5. oh wow, can i visit you once you live there??

    i. greatly. dislike. that. doll.

    cute shirt!!

  6. That shirt is too cute. You should wear it everyday. And, how sweet of your Mr. to get you flowers! :)

  7. haha, I LOVE THE SHIRT!! i'd wear it everyday too, acceptable? psshh, no matter. ;) socks with sandals remind me of retired old ladies in Florida. what the...

  8. Hey what's wrong with wearing the same shirt every day? No one has to know if you never go out!
    And yeah...those pictures make me want to live in San Fran too.
    Stopped by from Sister Lowe's site...

  9. SF looks really pretty <3 That dolls creepin' me out but i swear your shirts cheering me up HAHA

  10. is that doll lifesize? did u buy her? u better have. i wish i would come across a creepy lifesize doll like that. she'd make a good addition to my collection of weird things.

  11. Um, you're the cutest! Awesome shirt! And awesome place to live you lucky duck!


