Stream of Consciousness

Starting blog posts has never been my strong point, I feel like the intros are always a bit awkward and clumsily put together, so I'll dive in. 

These last couple of months have been a fair competition of bad and good, exhaustion followed by reward and stressful situations squashed down by moments of humble understanding. I've felt God speak clearly to the notion that He>I time and time again. It's a wonderful realization when you understand there is One greater than you and I who sets the world in order. I tried controlling a lot of circumstances this Summer, and I'm still finding my place in that battle with God. But I rest in knowing His plans out-do mine 100% of the time. 

I'm usually a Summer kind of gal, I thrive on the sunny days, cool nights and BBQs with friends. But I'm also big on "new seasons, new months, new years" and the idea that a fresh slate accompanies each. I need that new slate right now, I want to throw control in God's hands from the start and thrive because I've done it His way and not mine. The approaching slate? Pumpkin spice lattes, homey scented candles, big sweaters, and the promise of the Holidays. Fall, I covet your grand appearance. 

So, Summer...

There have been a lot of happy things among the crazy so far. 

Things like greenery in my home, and blue skies every day. 

A trip to Tahoe with my sweet family

to include: a family reunion, daily beach trips, a dinner on the lake, lots of games, hiking Eagle Rock with my love, great food, a fancy night spent by an outdoor fire pit and delicious drinks, and a walk through the cutest local nursery. Because it's not a trip until I've satisfied the 60 year old lady in me by perusing the aisles of perennials.

Summer AAA baseball games at our local team's stadium.

My brother works for the local team and often gives our family tickets to go see them play. I've grown up going to these games but it amps up the fun when I see my little brother running around on the field. I've yet to catch a free t-shirt from the "t-shirt launch gun" he shoots out at the audience. Hmmph ;)

A night at the State Fair with one of my best friends.

I was invited by a friend to join her at the state fair last week and it was so great. The best part? All she wanted to do was look at animals and go to exhibits just like me. Rides are fun at permanent parks, not 14 day pop-up fairs...I'm not trying to sign my life away for 30 seconds of "spin you upside-down, jerk you in circles until you throw-up" fun. Oh, and her sister worked in the animal nursery with all the little babies so that was super fun to see as well!

A ton of photography work and also new succulents. 

Photography has picked up SO much these last couple of months, it's incredible to see God pouring out His blessings on this business He allowed me to have. I've worked harder on this than anything in my life and I'm finally seeing the fruits of my labor. However, I don't want to get caught up in myself and thinking I'm awesome so I'll just throw it out there again that God is the awesome one who gave me the coolest stinking job ever, and I'm forever grateful. 

Also, succulents...they are cool. I love them and I will never have enough.

A couple images from my first ever styled session!

My wedding season begins on August 17th...I'm nervous, excited, and feeling oh so very blessed.