happiness is plants

Our little home is slowly coming together, as in we have nailed things to walls & decided on furniture we want to build. I can hardly wait to see the final products, but I'm thoroughly enjoying the process of making our apartment look less apartment-ish, & more home-ish along the way :)

This was our weekend project that I have been looking forward to for some time now. My hubby is so handy & worked so hard to measure even lines & ensure that everything was level. He did a fabulous job & I am so thankful for him! Now the fun part...rearranging & making the shelves cute. I've kept this look for about 3 hours now so it's safe to say this one will probably last at least a week ;)

Buy yourself a plant this week, I promise it will make you smile!


  1. I am WITH YOU on plants. We've gotten ourselves into a bit of a houseplant problem, truly :) This weekend we're visiting a cactus and succulent nursery and I'll be putting together my very first terrarium! So jazzed!

    The shelves look great! Glad to hear that you're settling in nicely. Can't wait to see more of the home!

    xx, Eileen

    1. A succulent nursery?! Holy cow I would be in so deep there haha! I hope you guys had a good time :)

  2. Plants giving the ultimate home'y feel c: i can't wait to see all you're new additions...i miss you my dear friend!

  3. Oh, I love it! Your plants are so cheery, and the camera is so cute, too :)


    1. aw thank you! I'm finding myself obsessed with house plants now, they're just so homey!

  4. Oh I am so glad I sat down to eat a chocolate dinner instead of spend hours cooking something healthy and good for me and therefore had time to explore the internet and stumbled across your blog :) This is probably very creepy haha. But you are hilarious and I love your plants :) x

    1. haha! that's awesome. I'm glad you found me too, and enjoyed a chocolate dinner...sounds perfect to me ;)
