farmer's market

About a week ago, I heard a friend talking about a local farmer's market around the corner from our house. I was so excited because I've only been to one FM before! You see, I have zero motivation to be out and about in the early morning hours of the weekend, [when majority of the FM's around here happen]. So when I heard about this evening market, I couldn't wait to race over after work.

Mr was at work so I decided to venture with out him. I took Turbo, my camera, a handful of cash, and drove myself down the street to enjoy the evening. There was a perfect evening glow and the scent of fresh kettle corn wafting through the air when I arrived.

I loved being surrounded by the small town farming people, and all of the super cool people that frequent farmer's markets. The gentleman in charge of the kettle corn coaxed me over with his savory sample. Soon as I walked over, he asked about Turbo and informed me how this particular FM is a non-profit, helping young kids learn how to work hard and count money. He was genuine, sweet, and proud to be part of this weekly event. Everyone stopped us to pet Turbo and ask how old he was. His new haircut is a wee bit deceiving...yellow lab puppy anyone? Two curious girls couldn't help but ask question after question. "What does hims eat?" "What is this and why is it curly?" [his leash ha], "How many is hims?" :) I made small talk and wished I could have snapped a pic of their sweet, freckled faces to remember them by. Their curiosity was precious.

 I sampled more than one strawberry...there were like 4 strawberry stands so naturally I had to see which one was best! I may have sampled my favorite stand twice ;) The dude eventually figured me out and offered me a third sample, with a smile that said he knew I'd been back more than once. I couldn't leave his stand without purchasing a few things so I bought some fresh lettuce & cucumbers.

It was a short hour trip, but it was an hour squeezed in where I relaxed and enjoyed some good ol' fashion small town livin, in my suburban styled life.

As I was washing the fresh fruits and veggies I bought, I looked over to see this little party animal pooped out, frog legs and all. We had a good time together and I can't wait to go back with friends and Mr.

family vaca: day two

Mid-day walks to the windy pier and evening lattes. I'm officially relaxed and hoping to finish Potter by the end of this trip, but with 11 people in the house..things get a little distracting ;)

Ribs..chicken..salad & watermelon for dinner, then I think we'll finish out the night with some more cribbage or a huge game of Catan. Either way, family vacationing is in full gear...decks of cards spread on all tables, empty soda cans everywhere, and a bowl of watermelon freshly cut, ready to be consumed. Here's to hoping that latte kicks in so I can enjoy some mountain star gazing tonight and sleep through the woodpecker next to our window tomorrow morning!

family vaca

We're currently vacationing in one of our favorite spots, which means games, lounging, reading, sun, drinks, and lots of family fun! Since I currently have a cribbage game waiting for me at the kitchen table I'll let the pictures [with my new 5D Mark ii] do the talking! This was my first experiment with the's taken a little bit of getting used to but I'm definitely in love.

[lounging pops]

[where we ate dinner]

[tecate mexican beer..delish with a lime slice!]

[lounging back at the cabin]

my family's waitin for me...toodles!

wine tasting

The other night, I went wine tasting with my mom, dad, Mr, my dad's boss lady and my bess fran. The first Wednesday of every month a local restaurant {yes, it took me 4x to spell restaurant correctly..the spelling makes no sense, ask anyone} has wine tasting for $5. We tasted 4 different wines and ate some delicious flat bread pizza. I wouldn't say that I now LOVE wine, but Mr and I have popped a bottle or two since our wine tasting adventure. However, Mr has definitely become a wine connoisseur {there was no hope for that was all spell check}... he swirls, swishes, and examines the "legs" just like he's supposed to. Love that husband of mine.

Oh, and we made friends with our waitress and got free banana creme pie out of it. Get in my belly.

If you have some time, head on over here and read my guest post on redefining beauty! 

Two Things

My 5D MARK  II arrived in the mail yesterday! Now I'm waiting on the CF cards and reader..ahhh!!



Turbo got his hairs cut and now we call him Timone #LionKing

But seriously, am I right or am I right? The only thing he's missing is his hog friend Pumba.

Family Sesh

I had such a fun evening tonight, I got to spend it with these crazy monkeys and their awesome parents...and nana too! I feel truly blessed that God would call me to such a fulfilling career. What could be more satisfying than a breezy, sunny, laughter-filled night with great people? Not much I tell ya. More pictures to follow!

Happy Sunday, I hope your day is filled with laughter and happiness...because I'm certain that's what God would want for you on His day :)

& so it begins

Pleasure reading was put on the back burner for most of the last 5 years, since I was busy reading skimming textbooks and writing papers on the cultural adaptation process of immigrants {bleck}. But now that I have a little time on my hands, it's time for some good ol' fashion fun.

I recently read Jenni's posts on her visit to Harry Potter World, and another friend of mine is making her way through all the books, so I felt inspired to give it a go. I've had books 1-5 neatly on display for a few years now, and although I enjoy their decorative contributions to my bookshelf, I'm much more excited to pick up where I left off in the magical world of Potter. Book Four: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

postscript: please excuse my blog's identity crisis :)

life lately via instagram & other things

consignment store dresser in her new home :) | thrifted quilt, you can bet we'll be picnicing soon | thrifted 1950's camera | Mr and little bub | antique store | vegan burger on my birthday | antique store X2 | decorating momma's kitchen | trader joes peonies

Expression by Helen Jane Long on Grooveshark

While I write, this song plays in the background and feeds a part of my soul that aches for piano, strings, and whimsical music. I am inspired after finishing this book, by the always full of life kelle hampton. I may or may not have linked her book in like my last 5 posts, but that's beside the point :) The way she celebrates little things in life daily is certainly the type of life I want to lead. 

Buy a new quilt? That calls for a picnic! Stumble upon a hole in the wall antique store? Stop and take pictures! Freshly cut flowers scattered around your house? Invite the girls over to enjoy them with you while you watch sappy chick flicks and sip on delicious drinks. Bottom line is, small things call for celebration and should be honored makes life colorful. 

the first of june, my birthday!

I'm thankful for another blessed, healthy year. I'm happy to have Mr home with me on this birthday, for the first time in two years. I'm thankful for so many things these days. God has blessed me beyond what I deserve. Today, I feel happy, and full of life.

I don't think we have any major plans other than to enjoy our time together and eat a birthday cake pop from Sbux...of course :) So, do me a favor and celebrate today like it's your yourself a cake pop and eat it with me! Then it'll be like we're partying together, right? Happy day to you all, I'm either laying by the pool since we're experiencing some 90 degree weather, roaming the streets of old town, or just soaking up time with Mr.

Today shall be grand, of this I am sure.

I love birthdays!